Tuesday, November 26, 2019
T&D-Midterm Essays - Industrial And Organizational Psychology
T&D-Midterm Essays - Industrial And Organizational Psychology 1) Physical Fidelity is the level to which a simulator resembles the environment, equipment, and tasks of the actual job. The essence of this training strategy is the emphasis on realism should minimize the differences between training and performance. The realistic reproduction of the performance environment will capture the essential psychological processes that underlie learning and performance. Psychological Fidelity is the level to which simulator participants feel as though they are part of the actual work environment. The essence of this training strategy is to prompt the psychological processes relevant to performance in the real work setting. This approach is based on the use of theory to design simulation experiences that induce the psychological processes relevant to the performance requirements of the job. Fidelity is an important concept to an organization and employee because one can see the extent to which skills and attitudes acquired during training are transferred to the actual work and environment. This concept is also advantageous to the organization because training in the real world might be dangerous or very expensive. For example, the aviation industries use fidelity methods to recreate simulators that look like an actual cockpit. It would be very dangerous and extremely expensive if pilots were trained using real airplanes. During a pilot-training simulation, different types of weather can be introduced to see how the trainee handles the changes. Once again this goes to show that employees can train safely during a simulation of turbulent weather so they can have an idea of what to expect and see how they would react. This goes to show how both the organization and employee benefit from simulations that have both psychological and physical fidelity attributes. Examples of these which are not in the textbook are 2) a) The first thing I would do is take a picture of what I am seeing. Then I would stop the workers from what they are doing and have them pull the employee that is hanging upside down by his legs up. b) My next steps would be to document in detail what I have witnessed and interview the employees that were involved to see why they were doing what they were doing. This would be the time to study the behavior of the employees to see whether their performance meets the work standards. In this case, it is obvious that the behavior of these employees do not meet safe work standards or practices. At this point it would be necessary to define the desired performance. This is a necessary step because discrepancies need to be identified to determine the need for additional training. The next step would be to determine the gap between desired and actual performance, to identify each employees performance against the standard level of performance. This step will help to identify what performance issues there are for each individual employee and where there is a gap between the desired and actual performance. The final step would be to identify the obstacles to effective performance to see w hat the causes of the gap are. It is possible that the gap is the result of an employee(s) not having the proper knowledge, skills, or abilities to perform the job duties. After the barriers to effective performance have been identified it is necessary to determine the solutions. The solution(s) depend on the barriers that have been identified; it may be necessary that employees be given additional training to improve performance. c) In my opinion the factors that may have contributed to this particular incident are the following: 1) Lack of knowledge I think that in this particular case it is a lack of knowledge more than anything else. While these workers posses the necessary skills and motivation to perform the job, there is no knowledge of the safety precautions. 2)
Friday, November 22, 2019
African-American Tennis Champion Althea Gibson Quotes
African-American Tennis Champion Althea Gibson Quotes Althea Gibson, a sharecroppers daughter raised on welfare mostly in New York City, learned tennis through public clubs. She rose to become the first African-American to play at Forest Hills and in the Wimbledon championships, and the first African-American to win either. Althea Gibson broke the color barrier in tennis, helping make possible the later careers of other African-American tennis players including Arthur Ashe and Venus and Serena Williams. Selected Althea Gibson Quotations I hope that I have accomplished just one thing: that I have been a credit to tennis and my country.I want the public to remember me as they knew me: athletic, smart, and healthy... Remember me strong and tough and quick, fleet of foot and tenacious.I always wanted to be somebody. If I made it, its half because I was game enough to take a lot of punishment along the way and half because there were a lot of people who cared enough to help me.I dont want to be put on a pedestal. I just want to be reasonably successful and live a normal life with all the conveniences to make it so. I think Ive already got the main thing Ive always wanted, which is to be somebody, to have identity. Im Althea Gibson, the tennis champion. I hope it makes me happy.No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.In the field of sports, you are more or less accepted for what you do rather than what you are.I knew that I was an unusual, talented girl through the grace of God. I didnt need to prove that to myself. I only wanted to prove it to my opponents. In sports, you simply arent considered a real champion until you have defended your title successfully. Winning it once can be a fluke; winning it twice proves you are the best.Most of us who aspire to be tops in our fields dont really consider the amount of work required to stay tops.People thought I was ruthless, which I was. I didnt give a darn who was on the other side of the net. Id knock you down if you got in my way.I just wanted to play, play, play.I was born too soon. Quotes About Althea Gibson Alice Marble, 1950, in American Lawn Tennis magazine: The entrance of Negroes into national tennis is as inevitable as it has proven in baseball, in football, or in boxing; there is no denying so much talent. The committee at Forest Hills has the power to stifle the efforts of one Althea Gibson, who may or may not be succeeded by others of her race who have equal or superior ability. They will knock at the door as she has done. Eventually, the tennis world will rise up en masse to protest the injustices perpetrated by our policymakers. Eventually why not now? New York Times writer Robert Thomas, jr., 1953: The lean and muscular young woman had a dominating serve, and her long, graceful reach often stunned opponents. New York Times writer Neil Amdur, 1955: She hits the ball and plays like a man. Betty Debnaun, principal of the new Althea Gibson Early Childhood Education Academy, 1999: Its only fitting to name the school after a woman as great as Althea Gibson. She excelled in everything she did. Shes a living legend. New York Times writer Ira Berkow: She was the Jackie Robinson of tennis, being first and doing it with so much pride and dignity. But she was also not like Jackie in that she never came out aggressive. Venus Williams, 2003: I am honored to have followed in such great footsteps. Her accomplishments set the stage for my success, and through players like myself and Serena and many others to come, her legacy will live on.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Finance 1750 3day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Finance 1750 3day - Essay Example Close follow up shows that China’s economy has slightly outdone Japan’s, in terms of the GDP. This achievement suggests that in a few years to come China will only be a step behind the United States in terms of the largest economy. According to Lai and Yang’s (2009) report, after the two main stock exchanges Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange that were launched in 1990, the state owned enterprises have been developed and supported by this two markets financially to a great extent. Taking a closer look at China’s stock markets and real estate it is not clear whether this two components are correlated or not. In this paper, we use volatility models to compare results between the two markets and finally establish whether the two are correlated as we further establish their potential variation effects. In this case we monthly data sets ranging from the year 2005 to 2010. From the data, several statistical test is applied to measure the rate of return on the correlation between the two markets, stock markets, and real estate. Stock Investment In general, investors purchase common stock from the stock market in terms of stock investments, which generate dividends that earn those profits or capital gain because of positive shift in the stocks’, selling price. ... The second advantage is that it is possible to minimize the risk on a portfolio greatly by having diversification where several types of stocks are held (Bodie, et al., 2009). The third important advantage is that it is now very possible to sell common stock on secondary markets with minimum transaction costs. This is possible due to the high liquidity of stocks. The other important advantage is that, when compared to other investments, the pricing of common stock is not only affected by shifts in interest rates but is also affected by performance of the firm and earning prospects. Stock Market Stock markets are also referred to as equity markets. They normally provide a platform where shares can be issued, and many investors can come and trade their shares and securities. The markets are divided into two depending on how they carry out transactions. The first is exchange market, and it is usually physical where investors can come and freely trade with their securities. The second on e is referred to as over the counter market. In this case, transactions are normally carried out over the phone or through the internet on the computer. The markets are also divided into two main parts, and these are primary and secondary. The primary market issues new securities such as initial public offering (IPO) while secondary markets offer securities that were previously offered and are being presented subsequently for trade. Returns and Risks of Stock Investment The first thing we need to understand is as an investor, there are two ways in which one can gain from their investment, and this is through dividends and capital gains. A capital gain is achieved because of an increase in the value of a capital asset such as stocks
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Postmodernism in the Field of Anthropology Research Paper
Postmodernism in the Field of Anthropology - Research Paper Example The research paper "Postmodernism in the Field of Anthropology" states the postmodernism in the field of anthropology. Comprising the idea of this new practice, they do not anymore depend completely on the answers that have been given by the church or biblical canon, eminent intellectuals and scholars have provided with concrete theories so that they can account for the formation of the world and its dwellers. While differentiating between various concepts like humanism which was applied by Franz Boas and E.E. Evan Pritchard, did exist altogether with the method based epistemology of science, around 1980 a very concrete theory emerged which led to the systematic study of human life namely postmodern anthropology. The postmodern epistemology has been exempted from the similar fields like of symbolic and feminist anthropology, this constitutes the significance of our ethical responsibility, the importance of the relativity of our position it also deals with the consequent subjectivity it develops, and it by force challenges the aloof ideal of the uninfluenced view. The purpose of developing this field was to understand, examine and reason. To evaluate and draw conclusions about our ancestors and their lives. The postmodernist who is criticizing or critiquing on science usually has two formal interlinked arguments that is epistemological and ideological. Both of these are based on subjective approach. The initial debate that arises is that anthropology cannot be a branch of science. in accordance with the epistemogical approach and the reason is that basically the purpose of science is objectivity and a relatable conclusion. Secondly, the concept of objectivity is too vague and fantasized, therefore one relates to science in an ideological perspective, it tends to camouflage itself by supporting and voicing the rights of the suppressed class, women, ethnicities, etc. The universally recognized act of developing a scientifically indifferent view which was severely criticized by Clifford Geertz, who deviated from the universal formulations of prior anthropologists and carried on that features of culture, like religion, should be visualized and sorted by the meaning it contains, irrespective of what sort of reaction it may develop in the society. Culture is something which differs for everybody. It's how one takes it to be not something homogenous for all. As all humans perceive and adopt things differently therefore culture is then different within people living together as well. Feminist anthropology trails across the limitations of academia and changes the gathered research and makes it concrete. Fieldwork doesn’t only cover up the entire thing, it acts like a spark igniting the effort for better morality in culture as well as socially.(Salzman 2001). These joined principles of symbolic and feminist theories emerge as the basics that lead to postmodernism; it is a great combination of relativist epistemology and advocacy (Salzman, 200 1). When we take the initial one under consideration, a very essential point of this postmodern theory is the eager denial of science, a limiting tool within an powerful dominant class. The stress is laid upon that the symbolic and feminist anthropology that has been based on morality and subjectivity; hence, it negates the consumption of the empirical scientific method in best context that defines the authencity. (Heartney, 2001)Those who were working with the assumptions were not credited while now the room for the postmodern
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Problems of Modern India and Swami Vivekanand Essay Example for Free
Problems of Modern India and Swami Vivekanand Essay India is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. With its diversified culture, civilization, natural resources, technology and a wealth of skilled human resources, it is also one of the fastest growing economies in the world. But at the same time there are several problems plaguing our Modern India which are affecting the growth and development of our country. Widespread corruption and terrorism are some of the main problems facing India today. Corruption is very widespread in India. It ranks 72 amongst the top most corrupt countries in the world. In India corruption takes the form of bribes, evasion of taxes, misappropriation of funds, and embezzlement amongst others. A study found that more than 50% of the Indian population had firsthand experience of paying bribes or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office. The main consequence of corruption is a loss to exchequer, an unhealthy environment for investment and an increase in cost of government services. Apart from this Corruption also leads to an unethical society. This increases the already existing gap between poor and wealthy. This may lead to unrest and destruction of modern societies. This social evil needs to be curbed so as to bring back moral values in the society as well as to fill the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor. Swami Vivekananda was, above all, an honest and ethical man on a righteous path. He had a strong sense of ethics, morals and principles. One of his famous sayings is that â€Å"Unselfishness is God†. Selfishness and greed are the main causes of corruption. If we all followed in Swami Vivekananda’s footsteps and followed his teachings, we would know better than to be so selfish as to extort money from other people in the form of bribes and embezzlement. If more people followed Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and principles, we would not have so many selfish people who only think about what they want and not about the situation of the poor person whom they are forcing to pay bribes. We would not have so many greed driven people who, in spite of having more wealth than the person sitting across them, still extort and bully the other person into paying them massive bribes. If only more people followed the righteous path shown by Swami Vivekananda and put the ideals he taught to practice, the evil of corruption wouldn’t be so rampant in modern India. Terrorism today is a global issue that’s feared by almost every country in the world. But it’s a major issue in modern India owing to the basic religious differences present in India since the time of independence. Religion is the main cause behind terrorism. Terrorists commit acts of terrorism and violence in the name of protecting and promoting their religion. Pakistani militants have constantly attacked India since the Mumbai bombings of 1993 in the name of Jihad. Swami Vivekananda always preached about the importance of uniting religious beliefs for the progress of the human race. He didn’t believe in marginalizing any religion and believed every religion to be equal. He definitely was against any kind of violence especially for the preaching of religion. One of his famous sayings was â€Å"The secret of religion lies not in theories but in practice. To be good and do good that is the whole of religion†. He preached about spreading religion by doing good and teaching people how to always do good unto others. Terrorists today have chosen the path of violence to spread their religious beliefs which is totally opposite to what Swami Vivekananda taught us so no wonder terrorism is such a big issue. Religious tolerance and respect for one other’s beliefs would go a long way towards helping us curb the evil of terrorism and also help humanity move forward harmoniously on the path of progress in unity. Corruption and terrorism are two of the major issues eating away at our glorious nation and hindering its progress greatly. Following in Swami Vivekananda’s footsteps and practicing the ideals and principles that he preached would help the populace of modern India be less selfish so as to consider the needs of others and less greedy so that people think twice before extorting and bullying some poor guy for their money. It would also increase religious tolerance amongst people so that terrorism is curbed and modern India can progress without such hindrances.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Pathways of Pain Essay -- Medicine Medical Papers
The Pathways of Pain In 1931, the French medical missionary Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote, "Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself." Today, pain has become the universal disorder, a serious and costly public health issue, and a challenge for family, friends, and health care providers who must give support to the individual suffering from the physical as well as the emotional consequences of pain (1). Early humans related pain to evil, magic, and demons. Relief of pain was the responsibility of sorcerers, shamans, priests, and priestesses, who used herbs, rites, and ceremonies as their treatments. The Greeks and Romans were the first to advance a theory of sensation, the idea that the brain and nervous system have a role in producing the perception of pain. But it was not until the middle ages and well into the Renaissance-the 1400s and 1500s-that evidence began to accumulate in support of these theories. Leonardo da Vinci and his contemporaries came to believe that the brain was the central organ responsible for sensation. Da Vinci also developed the idea that the spinal cord transmits sensations to the brain. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the study of the body and the senses continued to be a source of wonder for the world's philosophers. In 1664, the French philosopher Renà © Descartes described what to this day is still called a "pain pathway" (5). What prompted me to research about the various pain pathways was my grandmother's arthritis. She has suffered for many years with severe joint pain and in the past, has been treated with corticosteroids. Currently, she is taking Celebrex, (COX-2 inhibitor) which is a relatively new drug in the family of 'superaspirins'. What impressed... ...ds the promise of an even greater understanding of pain in the coming years. Their research offers a powerful weapon in the battle to prolong and improve the lives of people with pain: hope (1) . References 1)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 2)American Pain Society http://www.ampainsoc.org/ 3)American Academy of Pain Management http://www.aapainmanage.org/ 4)PainNet.Inc http://www.pain.com/ 5)International Association for the Study of Pain http://www.halcyon.com/iasp 6)MayDay Pain Project, The. http://www.painandhealth.org/ 7)Pain Treatment: Janssen-Cilag Pharm. http://www.janssen-cilag.com/ 8)American Chronic Pain Organization http://www.theacpa.org/ 9)Rest Ministries Chronic Illness http://www.restministries.org/ 10)Worldwide Congress on Pain http://www.pain.com/ The Pathways of Pain Essay -- Medicine Medical Papers The Pathways of Pain In 1931, the French medical missionary Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote, "Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself." Today, pain has become the universal disorder, a serious and costly public health issue, and a challenge for family, friends, and health care providers who must give support to the individual suffering from the physical as well as the emotional consequences of pain (1). Early humans related pain to evil, magic, and demons. Relief of pain was the responsibility of sorcerers, shamans, priests, and priestesses, who used herbs, rites, and ceremonies as their treatments. The Greeks and Romans were the first to advance a theory of sensation, the idea that the brain and nervous system have a role in producing the perception of pain. But it was not until the middle ages and well into the Renaissance-the 1400s and 1500s-that evidence began to accumulate in support of these theories. Leonardo da Vinci and his contemporaries came to believe that the brain was the central organ responsible for sensation. Da Vinci also developed the idea that the spinal cord transmits sensations to the brain. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the study of the body and the senses continued to be a source of wonder for the world's philosophers. In 1664, the French philosopher Renà © Descartes described what to this day is still called a "pain pathway" (5). What prompted me to research about the various pain pathways was my grandmother's arthritis. She has suffered for many years with severe joint pain and in the past, has been treated with corticosteroids. Currently, she is taking Celebrex, (COX-2 inhibitor) which is a relatively new drug in the family of 'superaspirins'. What impressed... ...ds the promise of an even greater understanding of pain in the coming years. Their research offers a powerful weapon in the battle to prolong and improve the lives of people with pain: hope (1) . References 1)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ 2)American Pain Society http://www.ampainsoc.org/ 3)American Academy of Pain Management http://www.aapainmanage.org/ 4)PainNet.Inc http://www.pain.com/ 5)International Association for the Study of Pain http://www.halcyon.com/iasp 6)MayDay Pain Project, The. http://www.painandhealth.org/ 7)Pain Treatment: Janssen-Cilag Pharm. http://www.janssen-cilag.com/ 8)American Chronic Pain Organization http://www.theacpa.org/ 9)Rest Ministries Chronic Illness http://www.restministries.org/ 10)Worldwide Congress on Pain http://www.pain.com/
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Via Negativa: A Way of Talking to God
Vla Negatlva Is a way of talking about God In only negative terms. For example, God Is not mortal; or God is not human. Both of these tell what God is not, instead of what he is. This is because our knowledge of God is limited by our finite human understanding, therefore. as God is out of this Universe, we find it extremely hard to talk about him. Saint Augustine said â€Å"If you comprehend, it is not God. If you are able to comprehend, It is because you mistake something else for God. Vla Negatlva allows us to compare God to things within our Universe that we understand, allowing s a sense of recognition with God, however not allowing us to reach a full understanding. This simple recognition Is meaningful enough for many, Including the like of Maimonides and Pseudo-Dionysius. Other philosophers believe that this negative way of speaking about God, is not the only meaningful way to talk of him. These will be discussed further within the essay. Moses Maimonides said that Via Negativ a was the only true way to speak of God.God is transcendent, so it is impossible to say what God is, we don't know. He herefore decided the only way we could speak of him, Is to talk In negatives. He gave the example of ‘God is not a human being. This Is because he Is transcendent, so cannot have a body. ‘ Maimonides believes that by giving positive ideas to God, we are lowering God to our human level of understanding. Words like ‘good' or ‘loving', which are often used to describe God, are simply are interpretations of those words, God is transcendent so in no way is he confined to this basic understanding. sing Via Positiva is Improper and disrespectful. However, Maimonides agrees that one positive tatement can be made about God, and this is that he exists, this is because the whole principle of Vla Negativa is based on the Idea that God exists. Pseudo- Dionysius follows the same belief as Maimonides, also stating that God is beyond assertion and beyond den ial, meaning that whatever you say about God, even if negative, doesnt ultimately tell us what God Is, It simply provides us with spiritual understanding of Him.This way of negatively speaking still allows us to recognise God as ‘good'. Even If we say ‘God Is not good,' this can made that God Is more than ust good, he may be wholly perfect So this account of speaking still allows for God being transcendent. It also accepts the fact that the finite cannot get a true grasp of the infinite. However, there are a few Issues with this view. This theory simple assumes that there is a God to talk about when there is no proof of this; some believe that the fact we cannot describe God, suggests there Is not anything to be descrlblng.If we were to only ever talk about objects in a negative manner, we would never grasp truly what an object was, only what it was not. Finally, many religious people believe that it is important to view God as positive and good, so Via Negativa removes this idea for the religious followers. Other philosophers take the complete opposite view of religious language, saying there is absolutely no meaningful way to talk about God. This view was taken by the Vienna Circle who believed that only analytic propositions and synthetic propositions 1 OF3 are meanlngTul. Analytic Decause tne Knowledge comes tnrougn logical reasoning, eg. he man was dead, so was not alive; synthetic principles because they can b proven o be true or false, so there meaningfulness can easily be shown, eg. The water is 27 degrees. The Vienna Circle followed the Verification Principle; this suggested that only empirically verifiable statements are meaningful, one that can be verified by sense experience. Meaningful language involves discussing things that exist only in reality. Therefore God does not fit into this category since he exists outside of our reality. Simply put, the Vienna Circle believe that there is no meaningful way to discuss talk.However, the princ iple allows historical facts to be meaningful, as they ould be verified at the time. Therefore, could not some of God's existence be verified? For example, ‘Jesus was raised from the dead,' is a historical fact and was verified by many at the time. There is room for God to exist within the principle, so their idea was weak. There are also issues with the fact that the principle itself is not verifiable, so therefore is a bunch of meaningless opinions. Hereby the Vienna Circle and their ideas are often overlooked. Paul Tillich is a philosopher of symbolism.He believes that symbols open up ealms of understanding that we often cannot access. A symbols stands for something other than whatever is represented, he gives the example of the American Flag; not only does it represent America, but it shows the unity and the strength of the nation. These secondary meanings are often things that we would struggle to explain, but a symbols makes it easy for us to recognise them and then disp lay them to others. Another example is a simple love heart; that heart can mean a lot of things too many different people, Justice, peace, love, safety†¦ Symbols allow personal nderstanding.Tillich therefore believes that symbols can be used to talk about God in a meaningful way. He suggests that religion and God are things of Ultimate Concern, things that we should strive to understand. God is a representation of many things like Justice, love and infinity. We struggle to understand these things normally, but religion symbolises these things and allows us to understand. Therefore, religious faith is a way of accepting these symbols, providing a great deal of meaning to God. Tillich then suggests that God can be spoken about in a meaningful way, by sing symbols to explain many of his known features.However, people find issues with this idea, mainly that religion is symbolising other things and isn't really in existence. It appears to lower God's power by simply saying that he i s used as an object of representation, rather than of his own great importance. Many religious people dislike this view, saying that God is the ultimate power and should not be lowered to such standards. There are many other theories on how to speak of God and whether it is meaningful or not; Aquinas' view on analogy, Hare's blik†¦ but I find Tillich's view on eligious language to be the best.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mktg Plans Essay
The type of decision-making a consumer uses for a product does not necessarily remain constant as the needs and wants of consumers are constantly changing and newer innovations are constantly being churned out to fulfill our changing needs. Nowadays what would usually involve a routine response behavior is not as simple because of the enormous variety a consumer has to choose from. There are many things that a consumer can evaluate in terms of purchasing a product; packaging, price, reputation, and whether or not there is a sale on the item can all be factors that a consumer evaluates. It might be even that the product is currently very trendy at the moment that would motivate the buyer to purchase it, which would be a case of limited decision-making. There are also many sociodemographic factors that affect the type of decision-making a consumer uses for a product. For instance, if you receive a big bonus and have more income going into your household, you may choose to use limited o r extensive decision making in picking out a product with better brand recognition and of better quality. Another reasons that affect the type of decision-making a consumer uses for a product does not necessarily remain constant is for different occasions the product is being used for. For example, if someone were to attend a fancy party whose host you are trying to impress, you would use extensive decision making in order to pick out a wine that tells the host that they have class and a fine taste in wine. An example of how the type of decision-making I use has not remained constant is for my use of high-end fashion items, such as shoes from Ferragamo. If I wanted a pair of shoes from the main website I would search all over the web for the same shoes at a discounted rate for me to get the best deal on them. However, if I see shoes that I like and are on sale on the main Ferragamo site, I would buy them right away with no hesitation. Buying a high-end product at a discounted rate would lower my buyer’s remorse. A new service that is targeted at the college student market are house-cleaning services. The house-cleaning services often come in packages for a full clean up service for a minimum of 2 hours for around $65-$80. This service can be extremely profitable within the college student target market as a general conception of the college demographic is that they are fans of instant gratification. They are the ones who would rather not spend the time buying cleaning products at a store to clean their whole house, when it would only take 65 dollars (split between 2-4 roommates) for their house to be spotless in 2 hours. Although this service is offered, I don’t think they have capitalized on the college student market enough. I often hear these services through word-of-mouth or by an occasional Groupon deal. There are several different forums house-cleaning services can be offered to the college demographic in a more effective way: enhanced web presence, and cross-selling once a clie nt has been established are some of them. The main factors a house-cleaning service needs to consider when targeting a college target market are price and long-term commitments. A college student often has a limited budget on what they can spend so the cost of labor of a cleaning service has to be reasonable in order to outweigh the prospects of buying their own cleaning products at a much more affordable rate. Students are constantly on the lookout for deals and discounts and are constantly on the Internet, so Groupon, Living Social, Facebook, and Craigslist are great ways to advertise the service. The Internet is also a great source for students to research the ratings of the company offering the service because credibility of the company offering the service is highly important for a house-cleaning service since they are entering your home and have access to all your personal belongings; this is a way you can eliminate your competitors – by being the most credible and collecting the most amount of favorable reviews online. Long-term commitment is important because this is a service that needs to be used frequently in order to churn out the most amount of profit. A student must find value in having their house cleaned frequently by being pleased with the outcome of the service the first time. In order to yield customer returns and customer satisfaction, the house-cleaning service company can offer deals such as â€Å"For every 1 time you use us, you get 35% off your next house-cleaning,†or â€Å"Buy a package deal of 4 house-cleaning services for the price of 3.†They can even offer additional services such as laundry services that include cleaning, folding, and ironing. Timing is another factor a house-cleaning service can capitalize on since college students are those who want instant gratification. You can offer a service that is available 24 hours and have the job done in an hour and a half. Lastly, a house-cleaning service could take advantage of the social issues trending. Currently, while flu season is in full throttle, many students are getting sick. A house-cleaning service could advertise their flyers at a student health center or somewhere that students get flu shots with advertisements that stress on the need for a clean and germ-free house so that students can avoid getting sick. A company can create an atmosphere on its website by reflecting the same amount of value and prestige they have in there store directly onto their website. There are several factors a company needs to evaluate such as the usability of the website (whether or not it is easy to navigate, whether or not the functions work, and whether or not all the products are available), the websites atmosphere (sounds, presentation, layout ect.) The atmosphere of the website should communicate to the customer that it is a viable and reliable means of purchasing their products by making it look professional. The website atmosphere can encompass music and designs that compliment the prestige of the actual store. For example, the online store for Louis Vuitton evokes a very prestigious feel where many of the functions of the website are there for aesthetic purposes. The photographs used on the website are taken by professional photographers and the typeface is very elegant and classy. Although there is a lot of information on the website, it is very organized and flows very well in a direction that pushes a consumer to dig deeper into their site, finding more products to look at. The website is also organized in categories of their products which makes it easier to navigate around, such as shoes, dresses, and my favorite category, sale. Furthermore, there is a function on the website that allows a customer to zoom in on the product, allowing able to hone in on every inch of the product, assuring the products quality. A customer can browse the product from every angle and determine whether or not each specification of the product is suitable for them. Lastly, when a customer has decided to purchase a product, the website suggests more products for the consumer to buy that have a similar style to the one they have purchased and guarantees returns and a full refund if they are unhappy with their purchase. The process is also simple and fast, which eliminates the possibility of a consumer backing out of their purchase. It is obvious to the consumer that Louis Vuitton is a top-tier brand through its intricately and carefully designed website. The price is all extremely high, but it emphasizes its strong global presence in the most luxurious retail markets and gives you an impression that the brand is worth the money. If I were to start a pet grooming service in a town where there are two established pet groomers, I would price lower in order to gain recognition and penetrate the market. I would set my penetration price to a low price and sell my services in bundles in order to expose the services I offer as well as show that the quality of my services can match up to the existing competition. Once I have captured an interested audience, I can begin to maximize on customer loyalty strategies to keep them coming. I would constantly monitor my competition in order to learn about new services they offer as well as their prices in order to stay competitive. Since I am offering lower costs, it would be essential for me to estimate and calculate my demand and cost in order to not lose money in this endeavor. I would attempt to lower my overhead costs in running my grooming service at locations I do not have to rent, such as my house in order to yield a profit quicker. I would position my company to be a smaller, less established company who can do the job just as well as the other grooming services. I would start off by using my friends and family to bring in their pets for me to display my services on my front lawn in order to attract attention to potential customers so that their perceived quality of my services are that it is legitimate and that I take good care of their pets. Other reasons for why I would price my product low is because a pet grooming service is not a necessity, which means that in a down economy, a pet grooming service wouldn’t be anybody’s priority. Therefore a low price point can convince them that the value in having a well groomed pet is worth the money. Lastly, I would differentiate my services from my competitors in order to lower the associated price elasticity. I believe this value trade-off will drive the market to the lower-priced alternative.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
NMSQT Why Should You Care
What Is the PSAT/NMSQT Why Should You Care SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you heard about the PSAT or the National Merit program and are wondering what they are?Are you looking for ways to prepare for the SAT? Read this guide to learn what the PSAT/NMSQT is, what it tests, and how it can get you ready for the SAT and earn you money for college. What Is the PSAT/NMSQT? First of all, what do all those letters stand for? The full name is thePreliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, often abbreviated to PSAT. So what is the PSAT? It's a standardized test that 10th and 11th graders can take, and about 3.5 million students choose to take it each year. The PSAT is used to determineeligibility and qualification for the National Merit Scholarship Program (which is what the "NMSQT" part of the name is for). It also serves as a practice test for the SAT, but be aware that you can't submit PSAT scores to colleges as your standardized test scores. What Sections Does the PSAT/NMSQT Include? The structure and content of the PSAT have been recently revised to reflect changes made to the SAT. There are three sections on the PSAT: Math, Reading, and Language and Writing. The total testing time of the PSAT is 2 hours and 45 minutes, and it includes 139 questions. This information is broken down more specificallybelow. Reading Section: 60 minutes to answer 47 questions Writing and Language Section: 35 minutes to answer 44 questions Math Section: 70 minutes to answer 48 questions What Material Do These Sections Cover? Reading Section The reading section tests students'ability to draw conclusions and make inferences from reading passages. The 47 questions arebased on three passages and two passage pairs (a passage pair is when a passage is paired with a chart, table, graph, or other passage, and the questions use information from both of those sources). The five passages/passage pairs will cover the following subjects: 1 on US/World Literature (with 9 corresponding questions) 2 on Social Studies/History (with 18-20 corresponding questions) 2 on Science (with 18-20 corresponding questions) Writing and Language Section The Writing and Language Section testsknowledge of grammar, usage, punctuation, and other English conventions. It does not include an essay. There are four passages/passage pairs in this section whichaddress topics related to careers, history/social studies, the humanities, and science. There are two categories of question in this section: 24 questions on Expression of Ideas 20 questions on Standard English Conventions Math Section The Math Section focuses on algebraic problems and tests ability to analyze and interpret data sets. For the first 25 minutes, a calculator is not allowed, but students are allowed to use a calculator for the last 45 minutes of the section. The questions are mostly multiple choice, but some (17-22%) will have grid-in answers. The topics tested in this section are: Heart of Algebra (linear equations and systems) Problem Solving and Data Analysis (quantitative literacy) Passport to Advanced Math (manipulation of complex equations) Additional Topics in Math (geometric and trigonometric skills) How Is the PSAT/NMSQT Scored? The PSAT has recently implemented a new scoring system. As of 2015, thescore range has been changed, and there will no longer be deductions for incorrect answers.Although the PSAT/NMSQT has a shared common score scale as the SAT, score ranges are not identical. The PSAT's total score range is 320-1520. The PSAT's range doesn'tgo up to 1600 like the SAT's does because the PSAT is a less difficult test than the SAT, and sincea perfect score on the PSAT does not necessarily indicate a perfect score on the SAT, having identical score ranges may have causedsome test takers to mistakenly believe that. There are two main section scores for the PSAT: the Math Score and the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score. Both of these sections havescore ranges of 160-760. The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score is based on the combined scores of the Language and Writing and the Reading sections. This means that the Math section accounts for half of your entire PSAT score. The PSAT also has three test scores for each of the three subject sections, Math, Reading, and Language and Writing, that range from 8-38. Additionally, within each of these three sections there are several subsections with scores ranging from 1-15. These subscores letexam takers see how well they scored in more specific areas and can help make future studying more effective. There are seven subscores in the following categories: Reading:Command of Evidence, Words in Context Writing and Language:Expression of Ideas, Standard English Conventions Math:Heart of Algebra,Problem Solving and Data Analysis, Passport to Advanced Math What Are the Benefits of the PSAT/NMSQT? How can taking the PSAT help you? There are three main ways: 1. Practice for the SAT The PSAT allowsyou practice taking a test very similar to the SAT, under real test conditions. It can give you an estimate of the score you'd get on the SAT, and you can also look at the section scores and subscores to see which areas you should study the most in the future. The PSAT is a great way to practice for the SAT and other standardized tests 2. Practice for Standardized Tests in General Even though the PSAT will prepare you most directly for the SAT, taking it can benefit anyone looking to get more practice taking other standardized tests, like the ACT. It can help you practice managing your time during a test, improve your critical thinking skills, and also give you an opportunity to seehow well you do under official testing conditions. 3. Potential for Scholarship Money Competition is tough, but students with top PSAT scores can get a significant amount of scholarship money.Of the roughly 1.5 million high school juniors who take the test, about 50,000 students with the highest total PSAT/NMSQTscores qualify for recognition in the National Merit Scholarship Program. About 34,000 of those students become Commended Scholars. The roughly 16,000 students with the highest PSAT scores in the country (partly based on which state you live in) become National Merit Semi-Finalists, and most of them (about 15,000) move on to become National Merit Finalists. Over $180 million in scholarship money is awarded annually to students who get high scores on the PSAT. About half of the National Merit Finalistsreceive a $2,500 National Merit Scholarship, renewable for up to four years. Many corporations offer scholarship money as well. In addition, many colleges offer scholarships to National Merit Commended Scholars, Semi-Finalists, and Finalists. Some schools even offer a tuition waiver, which can save you tens of thousands of dollars. If you're interested in learning more about the National Merit Scholarship program, check out our guide which provides tips to help you improve your chances of becoming a Semi-Finalist! Getting a National Merit Scholarship can really fill up your piggy bank Want to improve your PSAT score by 150 points? We have the industry's leading PSAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Who Should Take the PSAT/NMSQT? There are multiple groups who can benefit from taking the PSAT. This can include high school sophomores or juniors looking to get more practice for the SAT, especially under real test conditions, as well as studentswho want more practice taking standardized tests in general. If you are trying to decide between the SAT and the ACT, taking the PSAT may also helpful because you can getan estimate of your SAT score without worrying about it being sent to colleges if it is lower than you'd like. Juniors who are confident in their standardized test-taking abilities and want to try for National Merit recognition and scholarships should also consider taking the PSAT, as well as sophomores hoping to increase their chances of winning a scholarship next year by getting more PSAT practice. How Do You Sign Up for the PSAT/NMSQT? The PSAT is administered by high schools, so you will register through your school. The PSAT is taken in October of your junior year. You can also take the exam as a sophomore, however; you won’t be eligible for National Merit awards that year. There is alsoa test called the PSAT10, which is offered only for 10th graders in the spring. This is the same test as the PSAT/NMSQT, but it is for preparation purposes only and is not part of the National Merit Scholarship Program.Students who take the PSAT 10 in the spring can still take the PSAT/NMSQT in the fall. What's Next? Have you decided to take the PSAT and want to know how to prepare for it? Take a look at this guide to finding full-length PSAT tests and practice questions! Not a high school junior yet? Take a look at our guide to the PSAT 10, which is specially designed forsophomores. Interested in winning a National Merit Scholarship? We have a guide that gives step-by-step instructions to improving your chances! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Difference Between a Vegan and a Vegetarian
The Difference Between a Vegan and a Vegetarian Vegans are vegetarians, but vegetarians are not necessarily vegans. If that seems a bit confusing, it is. Many people are confused about the difference between these two ways of eating. Though most of us dont like being labeled, the labels vegetarian and vegan can actually be helpful because they allow like-minded people to find one another. What Is a Vegetarian? A vegetarian is someone who doesnt eat meat. If they dont eat meat for health reasons, they are referred to as a nutritional vegetarian. Those who avoid meat in deference to the environment or the animals are called ethical vegetarians. A vegetarian diet is sometimes called a meatless or meat-free diet. Vegetarians do not eat animal flesh, period. While some people may use the terms pesco-vegetarian to refer to someone who still eats fish, or pollo-vegetarian to refer to someone who eats still chicken, in fact, fish and chicken eaters are not vegetarians. Similarly, someone who chooses to eat vegetarian some of the time, but eats meat at other times is not a vegetarian. Anyone who doesnt eat meat is considered vegetarian, which makes vegetarians a large and inclusive group. Included in the larger group of vegetarians are vegans, lacto-vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians, and lacto-ovo vegetarians. What Is a Vegan? Vegans are vegetarians who do not consume animal products, including meat, fish, fowl, eggs, dairy, or gelatin. Many vegans also avoid honey. Instead of meat and animal products, vegans stick to eating grains, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. While the diet may seem severely restricted compared to the standard American diet, vegan options are surprisingly wide-ranging. A look at vegan gourmet foods should convince just about anyone that a vegan diet can be delicious and filling. Any recipe calling for meat can be made vegan with the use of seitan, tofu, portobello mushrooms, and other vegetable-based foods with a meaty texture. Diet, Lifestyle, and Philosophy Veganism is more than a diet. While the word vegan may refer to a cookie or a restaurant and mean only that there are no animal products present, the word has come to mean something different when referring to a person. A person who is vegan is generally understood to be someone who abstains from animal products for animal rights reasons. A vegan may also be concerned about the environment and their own health, but the main reason for their veganism is their belief in animal rights. Veganism is a lifestyle and a philosophy that recognizes that animals have a right to be free of human use and exploitation. Veganism is an ethical stance. Because veganism is about recognizing the rights of animals, its not just about food. Vegans also avoid silk, wool, leather, and suede in their clothing. Vegans also boycott companies that test products on animals and do not buy cosmetics or personal care products that contain lanolin, carmine, honey, or other animal products. Zoos, rodeos, greyhound and horse racing, and circuses with animals are also out, because of the oppression of the animals. There are some people who follow a diet free (or almost free) of animal products for health reasons, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton. In these cases, the person is usually said to be following a plant-based diet. Some also use the term strict vegetarian to describe someone who does not eat animal products but may use animal products in other parts of their life, but this term is problematic because it implies that lacto-ovo vegetarians are not strict vegetarians.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Predictably irrational Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Predictably irrational - Essay Example As a result of these accounts of conscious perceptions, we often assume that the experiences constitute a single fundamental reality. Based on this broad judgment, Venkat further reaffirms that, â€Å"the imperative nature of consciousness is practically beyond logical doubt and rather evident through predictable behavior.†(n.pag). Many make the assumption that, they are actually settling for rational and smart choices, without taking into consideration the possibility that their behavior is actually predictable. After reading Ariely’s book, I came to realize that I am also predictably irrational, especially in my life as a student, as shown by analogies drawn hereunder between the authors’ illustrations and incidents in my life. According to Ariely, it is rather intriguing to note that, human expectations, societal norms and emotions, among other undermined aspects of life, which ordinarily seem illogical, often control our capability to reason. This is a concl usion that the author draws from the fact that people astoundingly make simple mistakes, yet repeat the same types of faults daily. The author’s line of thought begins when he asks â€Å"Do our first impressions and decisions become imprinted?†(25). He goes on to elaborate that we usually overpay for certain items when shopping, we also underestimate expenses and keep procrastinating duties we are supposed to carry out eventually. The author is keen to note that these misguided doings are not random, and neither are they senseless. Apparently, these actions are logical and foreseeable, as illustrated by the experiment showing how students’ social security numbers influenced their bids for wine (Ariely 28). This possibility is explicated by Ariely in various chapters of his book, as well as, in Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†, as discussed in subsequent paragraphs. In chapter six of his book, â€Å"Predictably Irrational†, Ariely focuses on the crucial aspects of self-control and procrastination (Ariely 109-119). Through a comprehensive experiment, the author realizes that his students tend to perform better in class assignments, when deadlines for work submission are spaced all through the semester, than when the deadline is set on the final day of the school term. This is an aspect he attributes to the tendency of learners to postpone work, when they think that they have sufficient time to finish writing the assignments, prior to the semester’s end. In the long run, students rush during the last minute only to do unsatisfactory work and, consequently, acquire poor grades. In contrast, spacing out deadlines and imposing potential grade or financial penalties, in addition to simplification of tasks, makes it easy for students to deal with their assignments early enough. This is because such efforts inspire self-control among students and lower incidents of procrastination. The occurrence of procrastination a mong individuals is also supported by O’Donoghue and Rabin, who suggest that â€Å"people may occasionally purchase items with high prices based on the notion that the price is
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