Sunday, January 26, 2020
Soft Drinks Industry Consumer Behavior Marketing Essay
Soft Drinks Industry Consumer Behavior Marketing Essay Soft drinks industry is one of the most thriving and flourishing industries in Pakistan. With a population close to 165 million, Pakistan is one of the largest markets in the Asia Pacific region, for various fast-moving consumer goods companies, including those manufacturing soft drinks. Consumers all over Pakistan consider soft drinks as an integral part of their lives, be it routine every day meals or festive occasions, soft drinks hold immense importance as it is the primary refreshment served all over the country. Dominated by low-cost carbonates, Pakistans soft drinks industry benefits from key demand triggers such as the notable absence of alcoholic drinks industry and a warm climate. The beverage industry has around 40 plants, and employs around 500,000 people directly or indirectly. Foreign players dominate the soft-drinks sector. Pakistan Beverages, which bottles for US-based PepsiCo, and National Beverages, the bottler for Coca-Cola (also of the US), are the key players in this segment. Together, Pepsi and Coca-Cola supply 75% of the carbonated soft-drinks market, with local companies accounting for another 15-20%. The industry has seen steady growth over the past years, and despite the current economic situation in Pakistan and the high levels of inflation, the industry is bound for growth in the coming years. The major players in this market include: Coca Cola Pepsi Mountain Dew Gourmet Cola Makah Cola Amrat Cola The market is led by Pepsi which has the maximum market share in the Pakistan soft drink industry. Coca cola acts as a challenger, which challenges the presence of its major rival coke, whereas other brands such as gourmet cola and mountain dew are followers. Gourmet cola has smartly catered to the market by providing soft drinks at a much lower price than the others and distributes it only in the city of Lahore, hence is the one acting as a niche player. It has successfully entered into the soft drink market where existing strong brand names have been competing, and is expected to maintain its position which is evident by the growing demand of its cola Market Size: Led by the core carbonate brands of Coca Cola and PepsiCo, per capita soft drinks consumption in Pakistan is estimated to stand at about 20 liters per annum, which leaves significant room for growth. Over the publishers forecast period to 2014, soft drinks sales are expected to increase 39.8% to PKR19.5 billion ($233 million), with carbonates likely to pick up most of the volume growth. MARKET SEGMENTATION: Customer segmentation in Pakistan with respect to soft drink industry is done differently by the major players operating in the industry. Segmentation is done based on the lifestyle, preferences and attitudes of customers. Particularly to this industry, there exist customer segments which prefer soft drinks that taste sweeter as compared to others. Moreover, segments in the markets exist which are price conscious, and are willing to compromise as far as quality and taste is concerned. Such segments are more inclined towards paying lower prices for a soft drink that provides a similar taste as of other renowned names and modest quality. Existing customers, who are sensitive to their calorie intake but wish not to compromise on the consumption of soft drinks, are catered by brands offering the diet version. This diet version of soft drinks is even preferred by some customers who find its taste better as compared to the regular one, although such a segment is not widely recognized. Apar t from that, customer segments exist which demand bottles of soft drinks in different sizes, such as small, large and family pack, whereas the kind of packaging done for a particular soft drink also determines and caters to a certain market segment such as bottles that are disposable and non-disposable. There are different flavors that have further segmented the market, which primarily include orange (Fanta, Miranda), Cola (Coke, Pepsi), Lemon (Sprite, 7up, Lemon up, mountain dew). Segmentation of consumers has also been done on the bases of social economic class, such as new market entrants such as gourmet cola serves SEC C whereas market leaders serve SEC A and B. The market segment that we have selected for our project is individuals belonging to SEC A and SEC B who are employed and are working in private and government organizations. Target Market: The target market that we have selected from this segment as part of our term project is the carbonated soft drinks segment, which includes companies like Pepsi, Coca cola, Seven up, Mecca cola, Amrat cola, Gourmet cola and others. Objectives of the research: The research is directed to find the attributes of consumer behavior regarding the local soft drinks in the beverages industry. The scope of the research is limited to the region of Lahore due to time constraints. The basic purpose to conduct this study is to uncover the consumer perception about the local soft drinks specifically. The research will help to find out the consumer perception about what the customers think of the local soft drinks, how they perceive it when they hear or see any of the particular local brands. The position that it has taken in the minds of the consumers are important to discover. Basically, the first objective is to find the image of local soft drinks as perceived by the consumers. The study will also focus on the product specific attributes of local soft drinks. The quality of the soft drink as compared to the rest of the international competition is one of the concerns of this research. Also, taste is an important variable which will be thoroughly studied because quality of any product is judged by its taste, and it will be tested that whether the company is successful in providing the taste which is demanded by its target market or not. Also, whether it provides the soft drinks in same or better taste as provided by the international players; Pepsi co. and Coca Cola Company, or not. Whether the content of fizz in soft drink is an important variable that matters and the impact of the amount of cooling that the drink has stored in it is important to the consumers of local soft drinks or not. Along with the tangible attributes of the product, the study will also focus on the intangible attributes such as the brand name. The size and shape of the bottles, the pa ckaging and the colors used, will also be discussed. The consumer satisfaction will be gauged in terms of the competition, and what needs to be done to improve the product. The study objectives also include the consumer specific attributes towards the local soft drinks. It will include that under what circumstances or occasions do the consumers consume local soft drink. Are they brand loyal? How do they evaluate a drink over the others? And how do they make their buying decisions. It includes the influencers that influence their decision making. Furthermore, the role of advertisement will be discussed that how do the consumers dictated by the ads, how the company can improve its visual presence and what could be done to improve the company and the product. Research Methodology: The basic idea is to design a research methodology which enables us to extract maximum useful information at the least possible cost and time, without sacrificing on its reliability. Therefore, quantitative tools will be used to achieve our research objectives. Our objective factors like brand awareness, product usage and product attributes specific insights shall be obtained through a questionnaire Quantitative Research: Questionnaire The questionnaire will be the most effective and feasible tool for our research study. Other methods like phone interviews and observation study will not only be impractical due to our resource constraints but also yield very little credible information, unless the sample size is huge. The questionnaire will be very straight forward and focused so unnecessary data is not gathered and the validity of the study is maximized. Light users or users who have not consumed local colas in the past 30 days will be screened out. Therefore, those who remain will be able to effectively assess the products and its perception in their minds. A few open ended questions will be asked, along with closed ended questions that address our research objectives. In order to keep things simple, only a Likert scale will be used. The questionnaire will be distributed amongst all individuals who have been screened on the sole basis of usage. This is because currently the soft drink industry employs a mass marke ting approach, and focusing only on one or two segments will increase the sampling error. A total of 50 questionnaires will be distributed. Data Analysis The data from the questionnaire will be tabulated on excel and analyzed using statistical options like pie charts, bar graphs, tables etc. Questionnaire Analysis: The questionnaire analysis was conducted with 50 respondents, 42 Males and 8 Females, aged between 22 to 50 years of age and all. The questionnaire was based upon the variables of importance analyzed in the focus group e.g. the price of the soft drinks, availability and quality offered by each brand of carbonated soft drinks. Detailed Analysis of Questionnaire: What type of food do you like? The respondents were asked what kind and genre of food they preferred as there drinks choices are then based upon their primary food choices, a large majority of respondents responded with homemade food, followed by fast food, this indicates the evident impact on inflation in Pakistan upon peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s spending habits, more people now opt for home made food rather than fast food from upscale restaurants What type of drinks do you consume? Majority of respondents indicated that they preferred carbonated drinks as compared to coffee and other choices available to them, this shows the high positive demand soft drinks have in Pakistan. Pick one from the above and state the brands you use? Juices brands mentioned by respondents: In order to gauge the respondents inclination towards juices the question asked them to indicate the juice brand they use, majority of respondents indicated nestle as being their favorite brand, with 23 respondents opting for Nestle, followed by Olfruit. Carbonated drinks mentioned by respondents: Tea/Coffee mentioned by respondents: How often do you consume the drink you stated above? Your purchase decisions are influenced by? Q7: Do you consume carbonated soft drinks? Majority of respondents, i.e. 40 indicated that they consumed carbonated soft drinks which points towards the high positive demand for soft drinks Q8: If yes, then how often do you consume them? (If no, please skip to question 9) Majority of the respondents who did consume soft drinks as mentioned in the previous question stated that they preferred soft drinks on a daily basis, followed by ten respondents who consumed it more than once a week. Q9: How do you feel about the following statements in relation to carbonated soft drinks? a) Carbonated soft drinks are healthy Majority of respondents were neutral regarding the question that whether they thought of carbonated drinks as healthy, followed by an equal majority of respondents who strongly agreed that carbonated drinks were healthy (10) and somewhat agreed that carbonated drinks were healthy (10) b) Cheaper alternatives of some leading companies offer same quality Respondents strongly agreed that some cheaper alternatives available in the market of top brands offer the same quality c) Price is an important factor to you Majority if the respondents agreed that price as an important factor that they considered, this again points towards the fact that inflation is an issue affecting the purchasing power of consumers in Pakistan. d) I would purchase a cheaper alternative if it offers similar quality Majority of respondents stated that they strongly agreed that they would purchase a cheaper alternative if it offers similar quality as top brands. Q10: Please rank the Cola of your preference Majority of respondents stated that among the low priced alternate colas they preferred the Gourmet cola, followed by Amrat cola. b) I have stopped purchasing other brands altogether Majority of respondents somewhat disagreed to the statement that whether they had stopped purchasing other colas altogether after opting for gourmet cola. Gender Age Group Marital Status: Education Levels: Summary The focus questionnaire analysis points to the fact that majority of the target population that we selected for our product consumes carbonated soft drinks which supports the growth trends in the soft drink industry. The findings also shed light on the fact that due to the recent upsurge in inflation in the country and the price hike in case of almost all commodities, consumers are now much more receptive towards other brands which offer cheaper colas with the similar taste, these cheaper alternatives according the respondents including, Shandy cola, Makkah cola, Amrat cola and Gourmet cola. Respondents however stressed on the fact that these alternatives appealed to them not only because of the price but also because of the fact that they offered almost the same quality as colas from other top brands like Coke and Pepsi. Out of the cheaper alternatives people indicated that they preferred Gourmet cola more. The findings also pointed to the fact that the main influences in decision r egarding the choice of soft drink came from family and friends, as these were the two main social; groups with which respondents spent most of their time and consumed drinks with. The respondents brought to attention the fact the advertising campaign of the cola companies like gourmet cola and amrat cola were not up to the mark and very rare, they suggested that a better as campaign would be able to boost awareness and recognition amongst potential customers and attract more customers to the relatively new cola.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Canadian Tutoring Industry Analysis Essay
The reason for education is an incontestable topic. According to article 40 of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedom, everyone has a right to free education and as of 1871, education for children between the ages of 6-16 became compulsory in Canada. Having practiced playing school during their childhood, schools for children are a symbol of growing up; and for the parents, are viewed as a rite of passage and entry to the child’s future career (Diskin, 2010). However, most believe that the greatest achievements of life are their educational titles. Thus grades became the measure of a child’s success or failure in his young life. Consequently, efforts to help students obtain better grade in various educational institutions and levels emerged and tutoring business services were born. Over the past decade, the tutoring industry has undergone a massive growth an increased in popularity. It was even described as flourishing according to CTV’s Ken Shaw (The growing business of tutoring students, 2002). Tutoring classes no longer concern just academic subjects but now includes sports and dance lessons. In 2007 a report by the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) sparked interest and controversy about the private tutoring sector in Canada when it announced that a third of Canadian parents (33%) have hired a tutor. This reinforced the findings of a 2005 study which determined that approximately 25% of Canadian parents hired a tutor, and the 2007 OISE/UT Biennial Survey which found that 24% of Ontario parents have used tutoring (Aurini, 2008). Furthermore, the number of formal businesses that offer fuller tutoring services has grown between 200%-500% in major Canadian cities over the past 30 years, a growth that is independent of public school enrollments or economic trends (Davies & Aurini, 2004). In Ontario for example the number of businesses grew from 250 to just under 500 locations between 1996 and 2005. While these figures are impressive, they do not capture the vast network of more casual, part-time tutors who service thousands of students on a regular basis. However, even using conservative estimates, all research suggests that we are witnessing the birth of a tutoring revolution in Canada (Aurini, 2008). With this unprecedented wave of entrepreneurial activity in what has been dubbed â€Å"the new education industry†the private tutoring industry has been saturated and has reached its maturity stage. â€Å"Just looking at the Yellow Pages, you can see that the number of listings for private tutoring companies has tripled to quadrupled over the last 15 years,†says Dr. Neil Guppy of the University of B. C. ‘s department of sociology (Johal, 1999).
Friday, January 10, 2020
My favorite things Essay
It is often said that the best things in life are free, I, for one, fully agree with the statement. To me, “best†does not imply the most beautiful or glamorous, or the most indulgent or heavenly, but it is those things which I held to be the most valuable and precious in my life. Most people would choose to write about their role model (usually their mother), or the sunset, or even the rain. Some would write about food, others about clothes. I, on the other hand, have “favourite†things of a very different kind. It might sound strange, but my favourite things are: my eyes, my nose, my mouth, my ears, and my hands. Although they are nothing out of the ordinary (no unfortunately I havenÂ’t been blessed with aquamarine eyes, or perfectly pouting lips), these features are my favourite things because of their ability to evoke in me experience of pure, unadulterated bliss. Take my eyes, for instance. People say that oneÂ’s eyes are the window to oneÂ’s soul. Then I must have a fairly bleak, run-of-the mill type of soul, for what you will see when you look at my eyes are two dark-brown, round buttons. They do not exude any magnetism; neither do they give off an aura of mystery and melodrama. But, they have been the rolls with which I have been able to witness many a beautiful sunset. The sun spreads its mosaic of colour on the horizon, amidst wisps of drifting clouds, as hues of russet pink and violet glisten across the sapphire sky. Then, darkness tears the sky asunder, as day slips into night, providing a canvas for the vast constellation of stars that sparkle majestically, illuminated by the glow of the moon. Serenity fills my souls and soothes my mind as the magnificence and splendour of the sunset captives me. My next favourite thing is my nose, a feature that quite dominant on my visage, conspiracy exhibiting its own sense of prominence. I assume that it could serve as a rather good model to demonstrate inclined planes in a Physics practical or even gradient in Analytical Geometry. However, I hold my nose in high esteem for the many delectable scents that it allows me to smell: the subtle scent of a delicate flower that tickles the nostrils like a gentle breeze; a calming perfume that comforts my heart; a beautiful fragrance that is soft yet intense; subtle powerful, aromatic blends that engulf the nostrils with sweet smell. Not much can be said about my mouth. Although my upper lip is a perfectly shaped CupidÂ’s bow, my lower lip seems to have natural Botox. I would also have preferred my lips to be more of a rosy-plink colour, rather than the dull mauve that they are. However, all disappointments disappear when I consider the heavenly taste of chocolate mousse that has passed through these same lips- the feeling of pleasure and contentment that engulfs my entire being as the rich taste intoxicates my sense, is unmatchable. The sensation of sweetness soaks into my taste buds, as it slowly oozes down my throat and into my oesophagus. The last of my favourite things are my hands, which are preceded by skinny elongated arms, both of which could be used rather effectively in a Geography lesson to teach the concept of a river and its many tributaries, due to the map of the deep-blue veins that run their course along the inside of my arms. Yet, this ghostly sight is forgotten when I remember the soothing feeling of a long, hot bath and the silky sensation of warm soap bubbles against my skin. All stress and tension drains away into the soapy water and my body feels rejuvenated and invigorated, the mind floating upwards like a soap bubble, into another realm. So these are my favourite “thingsÂâ€. Of course, they come with their own imperfection but I am nevertheless extremely grateful for hem. My favourite things bring me feelings of joy, love, and achievements, success, giving, and caring, all of which cannot be seen or even touched. They can only be felt with the heart.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Dst Is Bad For Everyone s Health - 981 Words
The most convincing premise is P2. This sub-argument seems to be intended as deductive because the author suggests that this premise is conclusively supported by using forceful language to state that DST is certainly bad for everyone’s health, as opposed to possibly being harmful. In this case, the argument is invalid. It can be true that DST causes adverse health effects but for some people to not suffer from these. Therefore, the conclusion that DST is bad for all people’s health is false despite the premises being true. However, if the argument is to be taken as non-deductive it becomes more convincing. The article gives probable evidence that DST is bad for people’s health because it puts people at risk of suffering these negative effects. Therefore, the argument is strong because the conclusion is probable. Furthermore, there is no reason to disbelieve the research that provided this information, including the sub sub-argument: early morning sunlight is impo rtant for those affected by SAD, DST short-changes these early morning hours which is why DST negatively affects people with SAD. Therefore, assuming the background research is true, this argument is cogent. While there may be counter-arguments involving people whose health is not affected, this argument is convincing because it is probable that something which is linked to damaging people’s health is bad for people’s health. To evaluate the least effective argument, let’s consider P6. Again, this argument isShow MoreRelatedWhole Foods International Expansion Essay5105 Words  | 21 Pagesfees, totaling an 8.2 million dollar investment for the first German Whole Foods to enter Munich. 3. Funding Whole Foods as the parent company of the wholly owned subsidy has excellent financials in comparison to industry norms. See below for 2011’s growth trends according to Hoover’s. | Whole Foods | Kroger | Safeway | Trader Joes | Industry Median | Market Median1 | 12-Month Revenue Growth | 12.24% | 9.96% | 6.29% | -- | (29.07%) | (1.31%) | 12-Month Net Income Growthh | 39.37% | (46Read MoreModern English Macbeth21221 Words  | 85 Pages64 Modern English Macbeth translation  © 2005 NoSweatShakespeare. All rights reserved 2 About The Author Warren King has been teaching English literature for thirty-five years in English comprehensive and public schools. During the 1980 s he was seconded to the national Shakespeare and Schools project to help develop methods of teaching Shakespeare in the classroom to bring the plays to life for pupils of all ages. After the project ended he continued that work as an adviser in toRead MoreInvestment and Economic Moats46074 Words  | 185 Pagesthe underlying business, but you’ll have to balance the outsize returns in the stocks that bounce back with the losses in those that fade from existence. cintro.indd 1 1/26/08 3:14:59 AM [2] T H E L I T T L E B O O K T H AT B U I L D S W E A LT H Or you can simply buy wonderful companies at reasonable prices, and let those companies compound cash over long periods of time. Surprisingly, there aren’t all that many money managers who follow this strategy, even though it’s the oneRead MoreCissp Study Guide67657 Words  | 271 Pagesvalidity. Ownership is the correct answer in this statement. However, here is a reference. Fundamentally important to any security program s success us the senior management s high-level statement of commitment to the information security policy process and a senior management s understanding of how important security controls and protections are to the enterprise s continuity. Senior management must be Pass Any Exam. Any Time. - 4 Ac tua lTe sts Explanation: Information securityRead MoreI Love Reading Essay69689 Words  | 279 PagesGovernment of India b i n n o v a i c u l t u r w u s i n e s f E N T R E P R E N E UR S H I P m n a d c a t i o n u o n P l o y m e n t l t h e v i r o n m e n t n a n c e A Study by National Knowledge Commission Entrepreneurship in India National Knowledge Commission 2008  ©National Knowledge Commission, 2008 This report has been prepared by Amlanjyoti Goswami, Namita Dalmia and Megha Pradhan with support and guidance from Dr. Ashok Kolaskar and Mr. Sunil Bahri. Table
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